Tuesday, December 4, 2012

be yourself

lately jadual packed but I still have time for taking pictures, that sounds really like arfa, haha

ayuuuuuusleeping ayusleeping brother john.. harharhar

maxi skirt + basic t-shirt + jacket + pashmina = voila!
i'm not a fan of maxi skirts but i really love this super large skirt yg mama belanja,
puas hati klu nak langkah besar, aku ni dahla klu jalan tu langkah besaq kemain mcm ada longkang besaq kat depan je. -_-"

morning sunshine :) 

nasi ayam penyet for lunch today!weeee, my tummy is happy :D

back to the topic,

mmg susah..
 bila kita tgk org lain bgn awal gila utk study tp ko relax tido mcm udang dlm saratoga.
bila ko nk mkn ada org sungguh2 hafal nota. ko mcm stress gila tp ko lebih pedulikan perut.
weekend, ko relax dgr lagu pastu follow nyanyi jgk padahal org lain pergi basuh sidai lipat baju.
org sibuk download slides lecture tp ko lepas lecture ko layan movie + download music video.
korang dpt tgkp tak maksud aku?
ye, aku tak reti sgt urus masa tp aku tak pernah nak tiru org sbb setiap org LAIN.
buat apa aku baru nk belajar bila tgk org belajar padahal aku da ada plan aku sendiri.
just be yourself.
someone said to me, "terer teori tak semestinya terer practical"
i agreed.
aku terer semalam tak bermakna aku terer esok.
yg malas bole jd rajin,
yg lulus shja bole jd excellent,
yg penakut bole jd berani.
dan tak lupa sebaliknya.

jgn megah sgt berdiri di atas,
takut nanti mkn diri sendiri.
just a note to myself.

rindu ayah bila tgk budak arab ni pimpin tgn dgn baba dia :(

ok,bye,take care,asslm.


  1. nice sgtt skirt tuu ! :)

    btw, bestnyaa nanti jadi doctor! :D

  2. betul, tension je bila tengok orang study. next year i will be spm candidates :( scary

  3. Alyssa : :)
    Izzati : goodluckkk! :D

  4. chantek skirt nya.. :)
    good luck dalam ape pon yg diceburi.. :)


thanks for reading lovelies :D