since akhirnya universiti alexandria sudah umumkan bhwasanya cuti pd
11hb Feb 2012
(bkn tarikh muktamad)
maka perancangan tolak tepi
sbb berlambak nk hapal nk paham hokehh
exam leave jd singkat
so exam mencabar kekuatan memory
pastikan Acetylcholine berada di tahap optimum
sorry kpd yg tak fhm
seriusly i'm in love with Anatomy
sbb cool gila otak aku ni
i mean otak sume org
nk tahu knp?
each part of our body control by specific site of our brain
now I know why some of right side of our body are controlled by our left side of brain..
each sensation ada their own special pathway to reach specific part of our brain, sbb tu takdela bila kau kena cubit, tiba2 rasa lapar,haha..
hari ni aku bljr kt lecture sampai 3rd lecture rasa mcm jasad aku je kt hall tp fikiran ke katil,
bila balik rmh cover blk selama 5jam utk lecture yg 3jam tu je
you can imagine how nerd i am just now
wearing 2 layers of shirt & 2 layers of sweater
together with hand socks
baru 13 degree
like hmm..
thank God you're in Malaysia!
cold isn't cool
love Malaysia!
uhuk uhuk got to go (gtg)
bye peeps!
done follow blog ini.Marilah ziarah2 yer..:)