Thursday, October 18, 2012

i wait for the day

winter nk dtg dah, its on November!
shout for new winter coat!! louderrrr! :3

this year pakai winter coat that i've bought from Primark, London. (Y)

so today ada la survey sikit new clothes in stores for winter season.

seputih salju,gituu,haha

really nice, this is the in trend pattern..but too expensive..

should i try classic touch this year?

bag that cost le199 = rm100
tp material tip top! well h&m uolls! ;)

super cool shoe that i managed to discover but no money so only picture pn jadilah..

entrance with auntie arab yg aku tak tahu knp dia berdiri mcm jaga kt entrance tu..

necklace that cost only rm36, thank God i'm not that fashionista..tehee

minggu lepas tgk cerita adam dan hawa,
menitis air mata bkn sbb jalan cerita tp rasa hiba kerana hamba ni dah melangkah ke Mesir, London, dan Manchester tp Mekah belum lagi.
hari-hari berdoa agar ditemukan peluang tu, dipanjang umur dan diberi kekuatan utk berada di hadapan Ka'bah.
kita kukuhkan iman, kukuhkan jihad, insyaAllah you will get the opportunity arfa.

this song really inspiring me & i hope you too.

happy Thursday everyone!


  1. wahh shopink sakan ea kwn..
    btw done follow u..
    jom singgah sini jap..

  2. tula,tp slalu sy window shopping je..hihi

    exactlyy! nnti da buat entry jgn lupa bgtau sy! :)

  3. kalau aku takdenye nak beli baru.. pakai je ape yg ade.. haha :p [link blog saya]


thanks for reading lovelies :D