Tuesday, January 28, 2014

girls and selfies

a week of chinese new year holiday is so unbeneficial for me, I wanna have a holiday trip so badly but everyone is going back to their home.
ada yg ajak pergi Brunei and Miri tp offer tu dtg 2 days before they want to depart, and I really hate making a decision urgently, semua trip arfa join semua selalunya atleast 3-4 weeks before la, kena buat decision cpt2 then a lot of things kena settle kan so I decided not to join them, walaupun nak sgt pergi Gua Niah tu.. its okay, next time..

rather than doing nothing, I thought maybe a new post on my blog? ;)
okay, cuba baca tajuk tu, dah boleh agak arfa nk ckp pasal apa tak?
pernah la terbaca status update someone on facebook :
' masalah perempuan adalah senang sgt perasan '

haaa trust me, I laughed with this person's status, why?
because its true. takyah tipu la, kalau dlm handphone perempuan MESTI ada atleast 5 selfies, hahaha masing2 kira selfie dlm handphone masing2 yeh, pastu bgtau arfa bape byk selfie korang, tgk sape menang, tak payah nak delete sgt selfie tu lepas baca post ni, kahkahkah
don't worry, its normal dear.
ayah arfa pn selfie kot, apatah lg anak dara dia kan,
I have to admit that I really love selfie sampai ada byk sgt kejadian yg memalukan such as tgh selfie then tiba2 kwn laki tegur, urghh rasa nak sembunyi bwh selimut pastu esok baru keluar, hehe.. 
to me, selfie is nothing wrong, and its better for you to take selfie once in a while, why?
actually, selain drpd tgk muka sendiri kat cermin and complain itu ini pasal jerawat, when you take a selfie, you can understand your best angle in picture.
practice doesn't make perfect because there's nothing perfect in this world but when you practice selfie, you will eventually feel that selfie can make you happy even just for a second, you can even gain confidence with selfie, dah mcm nk promote brg utk selfie je aku ni, hahaha
bkn apa, arfa tak suka bila guys bising kata perempuan ni suka sgt selfie, bosan tgkla, menyampahla.  
Guys, please understand, until you're married you will never understand why girls love taking selfie, but for the sake of our life together, just try to understand ok, haha
aku pn tak faham knp org laki suka sgt tgk bola and dota, so mcm tula jgk dgn org laki tak faham knp pmpn suka sgt selfie and shopping, fair.
hidup jgn suka menyampah sgt, take it easy jela.
takdela nak kata semua perempuan suka selfie, ada je yg tak suka, antaranya yg tulis status atas tula kot, no offence thou :P

mcm arfa, I took selfie then I posted on insta, facebook, twitter, blog, dan semua social networks,  sbb arfa suka bg org rasa menyampah, hahahaha
okay, sorry la kalau ada yg menyampah, yg like tu sama ada ikhlas like atau like kesian jela kan, kesian budak ni post selfie, kita like la sikit *click like button* knp aku yg terasa sgt ni? hahaha
arfa pn kadang2 menyampah bila bukak insta and facebook tibe2 ada yg post muka sebesar gedabak and sedekat yg mungkin, ditambah dgn caption 'letihlah hari ni', haaaa yg ni mmg kesian, please la like..muahaha
arfa pn ada jgk letak gmbr muka sahaja sebesar roti tisu kat social network, pastu menyesal jap, tp nk delete dah terlambat sbb da kena maki dgn kwn2, hahaha..
the reason arfa suka selfie sbb arfa suka kongsi my attire, how to wear, how to appear physically different.. yelah takkan nk tunjuk body, bkn cun pn, muka dgn jerawat countless so yeah don't misunderstand people so easily..
I'm blaming fashion for all my selfie, lol

arfa suka scroll profile org yg selfie with their good fashion sense, rasa nak like semua gambar org tu.. meh bg instagram korang yg hebat tang fashion ni, I would glad to follow :)
nothing to be ashamed of yourself, semua cantik, nak atau tak nak percaya dgn diri sendiri je..

ok sweetie, got to go, till next time! 
be pretty always! ;)

1 comment:

thanks for reading lovelies :D