Helo, hai!
so I noticed that everytime I update my blog, I will just go like "aha dah 2 minggu tak update blog"
and thank God you guys tak lari ke laut dan jerit "apesal arfa tak update blog lagi niii"
chill la arfa dah update ni *angkat2 kening* haha
nerd mode at Pusat Jantung Kota Samarahan ;) |
alhamdulillah medicine posting is going to end very soon, I'm still struggling with thousands of pages which I know I will not finish them up within 2 weeks..
doktor yg ajar kitorang pn ckp kalau nk habis baca alamatnya medicine posting kena buat 7 tahun.. hahaha now you can imagine how ridiculous doing this posting within 2 months only..
kalau buat 7 tahun I'm willing to drop medic, baik den buka bisnes je, haha who knows right? :P
actually nak cerita about ward round,
kalau ada yg dah follow twitter arfa, you might already hear this but if you're not, then I'll tell you here.. :)
every week I'll clerk atleast a patient, asking about why they're coming to the hospital, what happen before they came, and all their medical history including their family..
so arfa jenis yg bermasalah bab komunikasi ni (bkn pekak atau bisu),
masalah ni ada since I've lost someone important in my life (bkn boypreng), I became a very shy and quiet person.
I know kalau yg dah kenal arfa tak kan percaya punya lah, arfa pendiam? lol
arfa la yg paling kuat gelak dlm class masa Mrsm dulu..
but actually only my truly bestfriends know what kind of me,
takdela nak kata arfa ni kememeh ke, manja gila ke,
kadang2 tu adelah, tu pn dgn mama ayah je.. hihi
back to the topic, after belajar camne nk amek history and buat physical examination on patients,
arfa perasan la tiap kali jumpa patient arfa selalu senyum, treat them like my parent, and the best part was they also treat the same to me..
nak jd cerita, arfa ada clerk sorang pakcik melayu ni masa kes patient da discharge hari yg arfa kena present case kat doktor, arfa amek history pakcik ni drpd wife dia memandangkan masa arfa dtg tu pakcik ni tgh tido..
selesai sume, present case dpn doktor and buat physical examination tu, kira dah takdela nk pegi jumpa pakcik ni kan sbb da hbs da present case.. tp sebelum blah tu adela jgk nasihat pakcik ni jaga makan dia sbb dia ada diabetes and hypertension kan..
weekend tu arfa and housemate pegi round ward kejap nk cari case utk buat report.
suddenly, ada org panggil "Ashadatul, Ashadatul!"
arfa buat dek jela, nama den Arfahani bkn Ashadatul..
tiba2 kwn ckp "weh, labcoat kau bkn nama Ashadatul ke?"
hahahaha lupa pulak den pinjam labcoat org kan :P
rupa2nya org yg panggil tu wife pakcik aritu..
camni la perbualan nya :
'makcik nak tanya, durian tinggi garam ke? setahu makcik durian tinggi gula kan? risau tgk suami makcik tu"
'eh, taklah, durian mmg tinggi gula. paras garam dia berapa makcik?'
'pagi td sukat 5.1 rasanya, berapa yg bagusnya?'
'normal dah tu makcik, 3.3-5.1 dah normal *tepuk2 bahu makcik ni*'
'yeee?*senyum selebar-lebarnya* ok la mcm tu, terima kasih ye'
'sama-sama makcik, kirim salam kat pakcik'
'yelah, kamu belajar sungguh2, jd doktor nanti kan, nk jalan2 Kuching mai lah rmh makcik'
'haha insyaAllah makcik'
kesimpulannya, makcik ni sweet sangattt, hahaha
bkn apa, rasa mcm makcik ni sgt ambil berat kesihatan husband dia, sebenarnya masa conversation tu berlaku, I was in another ward, not in the ward yg pakcik tu duduk.
means that makcik tu kejar den dari wad sebelah smpi ke wad satu lg, ni sume sbb labcoat ni bkn aku punya, bkn nama aku! hahaha
ok, kesimpulan yg lain pikir sendiri boleh? haha
guys, find a woman like this to be your wife, not just pretty outside but pretty inside :)
H&M sneaker, only got a chance to wear it last weekend after 2 months I bought it. |
oh btw, I'm going back to semenanjung this 4th January! yeayy!
doakan arfa dipermudahkan semua test ni, cpt2 lah habis..
anddd congrats to everyone yg dah grad, I know ramai budak diploma dah grad kan..
good job! jgn lupa sambung degree tau! khidmat pesanan from koko ;)
k later pumpkins, stay cute and clever dears! :)
do the best for your test and counting down the days till 4th january ;)
ReplyDeletesalam dear. nak tny camane nk buat template blog yang gojes ni? btw done follow u, follow me back?? http://aliyahsyofia.blogspot.com/