Thursday, December 29, 2011


dlm hidup, mimpi tu wajib sbb mimpi pun boleh mendorong kita utk capai mimpi tu
mimpi ni aku boleh kategorikan kpd 2
mimpi yg boleh dicapai dgn usaha
mimpi yg takkan dicapai walau usaha camne pun

so mimpi 'kategori pertama 'aku antaranya :

i'm sure semua bermimpi utk berada di Jannah Allah
semua berpeluang, dgn syarat, ikut perintahNya jauhi laranganNya
and i really hope Jannah will accept me

i'm struggling with all the facts and semakin dlm aku belajar, semakin aku bersyukur dan mengagumi Allah, dan betapa sempurnanya ciptaan Dia sampaikan kadang2 aku geleng2 time belajar sbb terlalu impressed!
i really hope Allah will help me to be a muslimah doctor, not just to help people after getting sick but help prevent them from getting sick..prevention is better than cure..

gatal naaaa..
no i'm not..i've been really sensitive about mimpi ni..
aku sgt2 takut salah jodoh
org kata perempuan baik utk lelaki baik
i do really terasa cuz i'm not a great muslimah
i'm finding for a guy that will guide me to Jannah and willing to be my everyday imam and also be the 'name after bin/binti' for my future children..
org ckp bila dah mula fikir tentang kahwin, dah matangla tuu..hahaha
believe in Allah and He will give me the one, insyaAllah..
(tolonglah jgn tambah zina wahai Melayu akhir zaman)

mimpi kategori kedua aku pula ialah:

yes, i want to meet her, i do.. 
i really hope my al-fatihah will accompany her..
i will be a doctor as you wish umi..

‎"Tidak ada balasan kecuali syurga bagi hambaku yang beriman yang telah Aku ambil kembali kekasihnya (Aku mematikan seseorang yang disayanginya seperti anak, adik-beradik dan sesiapa sahaja yang di sayangi oleh seseorang) dari kalangan penghuni dunia dan dia hanya mengharapkan pahala daripadaKu (dengan bersabar). " (Hadis riwayat Imam Bukhari).

i believe that umi.. cuz that i'll try my best to be your only most proud daughter..

 today my friend lost her father, one advice for you, 
you must be strong! coz you are the one chosen by Allah to be tested! He wants to see whether you choose Him or back off..

tolonglah syg your parents, how hurt you are with them, you kena ingat mereka pernah lg terluka dgn you all iaitu ANAK mereka!
even 'ahhh' or berdecit sikit pn will hurt them..and jgn harap Allah nk lindung kau selagi kau tak mohon ampun drpd mereka! NERAKA, nk ke?



thanks for reading lovelies :D