Sunday, May 19, 2013

I'm singing my blues

the ultimate DIY
hahaha tajuk nk kecoh je
sbnrnya nk satu malaya tahu aku da reti jahit maxi skirt, tak kira nk bgtau jgk, muahaha
rasa nk menangis bila berjaya jahit kain sendiri. padahal org lain dah hbs jahit baju kurung pn tak kecoh mcm aku.
ala normal la tu, yg penting takdela smpi aku nk letak gmbr kain aku ni kat fb page student medic kat sini :P
its normal to be excited about something you managed to accomplish, right?
as for other person, maybe they are more into cooking, debate, crochet, bodybuilding? hehe
so for me, I'm more into sewing, not really a big deal but I'm excited. alhamdulillah for this talent :)

the last step ;)

close up, amacam?hihi 

inilah hasil sehari menjahit, jahit guna tgn, nak beli mesin tak mampu,haha 

t-shirt : Terranova
shoes : Deemy
unbranded scarf and handbag

eh, lupa plak pasal barbeque, haha next time k!
be happy girls! be tough boys!
assalamualaikum :)


  1. nampak macam pakai mesin...kemas sangat...jelesnya :')

    1. takmo jeles2,sume org pn bole buat klu ad keinginan yg kuat,hehe :)

  2. alhamdulillah...janji usaha kan... (^_^)

    ~Admin : QasehMuslimah-Munirah~

  3. woow, this is such a wonderful blue color!
    trust me, I know how it feels like to finish something you did on your own; it's fantastic! :)

    1. blue is always amazing colour :)
      yup, it feels like I'm alive and still can smile eventhough its tiring..
      well,nothing is easy 100% ;)

  4. Very creative!


thanks for reading lovelies :D